Policy Areas (PAs) represent the expertise in their respective areas of activity and ensure the implementation of the Strategy and the Action Plan. Policy Areas are managed operationally by one or more Policy Area Coordinators (PACs) coming from the Member States' official authority of the national or regional government, supported and guided strategically by their respective by their respective Steering Groups (SGs).

The 2021 EUSBSR Action Plan update defined 14 interconnected Policy Areas:


EUSBSR Implementation



Save the Sea   

Connect the Region   

Increase Prosperity


The EUSBSR network of specialists and coordinators covers 14 Policy Areas in the Baltic Sea Region, from reducing nutrient inputs and the use of hazardous substances, promoting cultural and creative industries, ensuring competitive, secure and sustainable energy in the region to eliminating disparities in health and social conditions, promoting competitive position of the Baltic Sea Region with regards to innovation - and everything in between.

The wide thematic coverage provides opportunities for different kinds of stakeholders to participate and propose activities. Entering the network opens your organisation with the possibility of valuable cross-sectoral cooperation in the region.

Contact EUSBSR Policy Area Coordinators with your cooperation projects or ideas for better outreach and / or strategic advice.


Tasks and responsibities of Policy Area Coodinators 

As per the Action Plan, the tasks of a PAC can be divided into four groups:

1. Ensuring a general overview of the PA, including various types of developments and modes of operation.

2. Managing, coordinating and developing the PA, including:

  • Facilitating the implementation of Actions defined in the Action Plan.
  • Facilitating the funding of the Actions, incl. via cooperation with the managing authorities.
  • Facilitating the involvement and cooperation and relevant policy discussions among stakeholders.
  • Identifying and facilitating cooperation activities, including networks, platforms and processes.
  • Liaising and cooperating with other PAs, the BSP and other stakeholders to ensure coherence and synergies and contributing, as appropriate, to the targeted capacity building for stakeholders coordinated by the BSP.

3. Monitoring and reporting on progress within the PA, including i.a.:

  • Drafting a PA Work Plan, based on the Action Plan, and an annual substantial report on PA achievements, to be endorsed by the respective SG and submitted to the NCG for information and
  • Reporting to the SG on relevant developments within the PA, incl. possible needs to revise the Action Plan.

4. Ensuring communication and visibility of the PA, including:

  • Maintaining and updating the website and other suitable communication channels for the PA with the support of the BSP and
  • Providing information and suitable material within the scope of the PA to the BSP for communication and visibility purposes.




EUSBSR Action Plan and Implementation