
The EUSBSR embodies the concept of macro-regional cooperation which is based on effective and more coordinated use of existing funding sources, and the promotion of synergies and complementarities.

It is stated in the Council Conclusions on the EUSBSR, adopted on 26 October 2009, the Strategy

"is financially neutral and relies on a coordinated approach, synergetic effects and, on a more effective use of existing EU instruments and funds, as well as other existing resources and financial instruments."

The European Social Fund Plus, European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund are key funding sources of the Strategy.

However, the actions and projects under the Strategy and its Action Plan can be funded by many other financial sources (Horizon Europe, the LIFE programme, Education and Culture programmes, or numerous cross-border and regional programmes such as the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme), as well as national, regional, private sources.




EuroAccess is an online information and search tool on EU-funding available in four EU Macro-Regions. Its aim is to help people with project ideas find suitable sources of EU funding.  EuroAccess contains data from more than 200 EU funding programmes and calls for project proposals within those programmes. 



The European Commission's Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal


The European Commission and its funding bodies publish their calls for proposals on the Funding & Tenders Portal. You may start your search by entering different keywords that characterize best your field of interest, or by selecting one of the EU funding programmes.


Seed Money

Seed money is funding to support the preparation of projects and to foster partnerships. Get to know different seed money options: 


EU Funding Overview


This website provides a handy overview of the different Programmes and Agencies of the European Commission.



KEEP Database


The KEEP Database is a tool for searching EU-funded cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation projects within the European Union and between European Union Member States and neighbouring countries. It also includes data on EU macro-regional strategies projects.

It is developed and administered by INTERACT.