The objective of Political Area (PA) Ship is for the Baltic Sea Region to become a model region for clean shipping.

Countries in the Baltic Sea region need to act jointly to minimise ship-based pollution, while maximising the positive impact of maritime transport on the region. PA Ship actions include creating infrastructure for alternative fuels in the Baltic Sea region, as well as supporting measures that reduce emissions from ships, such as technical installations or issues of enforcement of environmental regulation for ships operating in the Baltic Sea.


IMG 2287


PA Ship is steered by the following three actions as defined in the EUSBSR Action Plan:

1) support measures reducing emissions from shipping including digitalisation;

2) support research on emerging thematic challenges related to clean shipping and its impact on the environment and wildlife in the Baltic Sea; and

3) support development of shore-side facilities to enhance clean shipping measures including infrastructure for alternative fuels.

Read more about the Actions here.


Countries in the Baltic Sea region need to act jointly to minimise ship-based pollution, while maximising the positive impact of maritime transport on the region. PA Ship actions include creating infrastructure for alternative fuels in the Baltic Sea region, as well as supporting measures that reduce emissions from ships, such as technical installations or issues of enforcement of environmental regulation for ships operating in the Baltic Sea.

PA Ship is coordinated by Finland.


Want to get in touch? See contact details for Policy Area Coordinators here.